Monday, February 11, 2008

Lots to catch up on!!!

O.K. So I hate to say it but I truly am in the category of biggest slacker!!! I have come to the realization that it is very difficult to sit down at the computer. I don't know if it's because I'm not adjusting well with 2 kids or I'm just LAZY!!! Lots has been going in our family.
Last night we spent the evening with Cason's grandparents. I love them. They have always been so cute and supportive to us and are really being hit with some hard times right now. Ella was loving Abuela...especially the tamale she was eating at the time. I wish I would have taken a picture of their little puppy. She's a miniature chiwauwau (however you spell it). She kept sitting in Bentley's car seat on his blanket. It was really cute. Here's a cute pic of Abeula with Bentley.

We blessed Bentley the last week of January. It is so amazing to have a little boy in our family. I love the spirit that he has. Already I know that he's going to be a total mama's boy ( I LOVE THAT)!!!

We just got back from Brian Head where we stayed a week playing in the cold and snow! It was great. It felt like such a nice break from home.

Ella had tons of fun sledding...until we biffed it at the bottom of the hill

Ella helping her dad shovel the balcony. It seemed like the boys were constantly shoveling snow

It was sooooo COLD snow boarding. The bandana was supposed to help sheild the wind...I don't think it helped much! There was so much snow we'd get stuck in powder. I haven't had a workout like that for a very long time!!!

The boys left on Monday so Michelle and I decided to start a puzzle. We were completely committed to finishing it before we left. Here's the finished product.
Ella finally pooped in the potty! I was excited to get a picture of her after!!! I'm a dork...I know!!

Last but not least...Ella not only thinks she's a big girl...but she also thinks that she's old enough to breast feed her baby!!! I had to get a picture of it. I was laughing so hard!!!


The Jones Fam said...

Yay! I'm glad you posted, I've been wondering how you have been doing! It sounds like things are going well. That's awesome that Ella pooped in the toilet! We need to get together soon so we can see Bentley and so Jaylee and Ella can play!

Cherine said...

Welcome back! All of those pictures were great! Ella is a big now going potty. I rhink my son is almost completely potty trained. He is very stubborn. Sometimes its hit and miss but soon. Hopefully my girl is like yours! Hey I am going private pretty soon. I will be sure to add you!!!

Rachelle said...

Yea for Ella! You are so lucky to have her potty training so early.

. said...

Excited to have you back blogging...and especially with such great stuff. It sounds like you all had a blast in Utah and how fun for Ella to be on her way to becoming a big girl!

Unknown said...

You guys have been busy! I love Ella nursing her baby! She is trying to be just like you! Also, both my boys are mama's boys and I LOVE it!!! Now we just need a daddy's girl so Justin doesn't feel left out!

Shauna said...

Thanks for the update. That is soo cute that Ella is feeding her dolly--she wants to be just like Mommy. I used to snowboard a lot (in college) and haven't done it since. It's a blast and I'm glad you got to have some fun in the snow!

Anonymous said...

Your alive! Welcome back to the world of blogging. I hear you on finding the time to sit down to the computer. It is hard with 2 kids! I love the puzzle you guys worked on. And Ella nursing... Funny stuff!

Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott said...

yeah! you are posting again, that pic of Ella breastfeeding her baby doll is hilarious, too cute. Looks like you have been busy. cute pictures

alaynamarriott said...

Oh how fun to get away! I bet you had so much fun with your family. Love all of your pictures! Especially the one of Ella nursing her baby. So cute what they pick up on. Yeah that she went potty! We just completed that phase...hooray! So fun to hear from you!

Michelle said...

Yeah for the new post. I forgot to get a picture of the puzzle so I am glad you did **even though I was a party pooper and wouldn't take a picture with it:(**
Now that I am done nursing maybe Ella can take over for me:)

jodie@eighteen25 said...

that looks like a lot of fun! what a nice little getaway.

i'm so glad you got the picture of ella nursing. like mommy like daughter.

MC Lewis said...

Cute pictures. She is already going in the toilet. Good for her!!! I wish we had more to post, but I know when the baby comes we will...probably non stop.

Tami and Kaleo said...

Hi Amanda
Your baby is so cute. I love him, isn't it amazing what a new baby does to your house it brings so much peace and chaios in the same minute. Trying to keep up with everything. You have to change your life and evolve with everything. Your new do is so cute I love the bangs. Your beautiful. I need to come see you when I come to Las Vegas. Love Tami