Bentley turned 1:
December 28th...I'd feel like a really bad mom if I didn't post just a few pictures from Bentley's first birthday!!!

He was facinated with the candle...but got a little too close & tried to touch it...thus the huge cry face!!!

First hair cut:

Red Rock on President's Day:
I think pictures will say it all!!! It was snowing and cold!!! The really neat pictures are on my facebook!!! I didn't want to take my camera with us on the hike because it was snowing so hard.

Girl Fun!!!:
Ella and her friend Kenzee. It's fun that Ella is at an age where she has friends and is good at playing. She is very lucky to have great friends...what's funny is that she hangs out with the girls' that I have been friends with since forever!!! I love that!!!

Started Running:No pictures but let me just tell you that I LOVE it with a passion. There is something about being able to run and leave all of my cares and concerns behind. I wish there was more time in the day for it. Thanks to Missy who has truly gotten me motivated to start. She is the best running buddy!!!
Day at the Park: Last Saturday we went out to Tooley Springs for some family fun. Unfortunately by the time we got there, we only had about 1/2 hr before the park closed. In that time we still had a blast. First off...the geese out there are brutal. They are completely vicious. I think even at times Cason ran from them!!! I have always loved going there since I was a kid and hope to make a place that we continue to take our own kids!!!

Today is my dad's 58th Birthday:
Tonight we got together at our house for some steak and potato bar for my dad's birthday with all the family that's in town. It was a lot of fun and were able to continue with our birthday tradition of saying everything we like and love about my dad. We, especially me, are so VERY grateful to have him in our lives. Anyone that knows him...loves him...and knows exactly what kind of father, friend, and worker he is. He has always been such a great example to me and I only hope that I can be half of the parent that he was to me. I feel so lucky to have him as my dad!!!