On Saturday night we went to Ethel M. Chocolate Factory. The lights this year are great. It seems like they did a lot more than last. Crazy thing happened there though. You would think at a place for families, everyone would be happy and in the Christmas spirit...not in this case. Cason and a friend had to break up two grown men fighting. It was out of control. A dad was yelling and swearing at his kids, the other guy made a comment about that being inappropriate...they yelled at each other for a minute and then BAM they went at it. It was awful. The kids were screaming and crying and all upset. Needless to say they weren't asked to leave and the swearing dad ending up in front of us in line for Santa, trying to act like he was the greatest thing around! DUH!!!

So I am such a huge slacker. Here are some pictures from decorating our Christmas tree and outside. The last 3 years we haven't had our own house to decorate and I've been finding that I have a lot less stuff than I thought I had. It was kind of depressing. Now I'm just excited to start collecting!!!