As you can see these girls love dressing up...and Dax...basking in the fun!!! My favorite is that the 3 littler girls wore the skirts as dresses!!!
Some randome pictures when the kids were sick. They spent most of the day outside eating popsicles. Maybe I'm a bad mom, but I wasn't about to have throw up all over the house!!! Plus...it was one of the sunniest days we've had!

For conference this year I put Ella's tent together upstairs and they watched a movie. It was way cute!!! As you can see they had a blast!
The Logandale Fair was fun. Very cold & wet & windy!!! The kids loved all of the animals. Bentley kept trying to kiss the goats. He was too cute! Cason and
Easter was a blast this year! Ella really got into the Easter bunny coming and it totally helped that the night before we dyed Easter eggs with the Mecham's. I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of that! After church, we went over to Cason's sister's house and did dinner and an egg hunt with all his sisters and their families. It was so much fun. We don't all get together too often so it was tons of fun just hanging out and laughing. The kids get along so good with their cousins now and they just played outside the whole time. All of the younger cousins got to do an egg hunt. The two older boys helped the little ones. Bentley was loving Cameron. He helped fill up his basket pretty good! I had a fabulous moment with my little niece Lana. She was so cuddly and lovie!!! I think because our kids are so close in age I haven't gotten to hold her too much. Bentley was cracking everybody up. Anytime we looked over he was stuffing his face with some other candy or food that was in reaching distance!!!